Luke Peereboom

Beijing, China


Luke Peereboom is a Senior Vice President of the Rose Rock Group, overseeing a range of projects and initiatives in the Asia region.

With more than 20 years international experience in construction and development, Luke is an accomplished leader of complex projects and programs across functional areas. Luke has worked with a wide range of global organizations as a senior manager and as an advisor on portfolio, program and project excellence by providing sustainable and effective development programs. In addition, Luke has been recognized as a leader in recovering distressed projects in the Asia Pacific region for over 15 years.

He has a passion for delivering business focused projects and his experience spans a range of industries including, residential, commercial, educational, hospitality, retail and industrial.

Luke regularly presents on PMO's and project management best practices, and…

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Luke Peereboom


Expert Peer Review Committee (2014 – 2015)