Tanya Saroglou

Skybridges Research Project Steering Committee


Tanya Saroglou is a qualified architect in Greece and the United Kingdom. She gained her B.Arch. from Kingston University, London, a Professional Practice and Management in Architecture (RIBA3) from University College London, and an MSc in Advanced Sustainable Design at the University of Edinburgh. She is now a Ph.D. student at Ben-Gurion University, Israel, studying the energy efficiency of high-rise buildings under the supervision of her supervisor Prof. Isaac A. Meir, from Ben Gurion University, and Prof. Theodoros Theodosiou, from Aristotle University in Thessaloniki, Greece.

As an architect, Saroglou has collaborated with a number of professionals, in different countries, such as the United Kingdom, Greece, India, Ghana and Uganda, and has also gained experience as an associate professor in architecture. Her focus on sustainable development as a cultural, economic, and environmental…

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Tanya Saroglou


Skybridges Research Project Steering Committee (2019 – Present)


19 March 2020

Improving the Energy Efficiency Of a Mediterranean High-Rise Envelope

Tanya Saroglou & Isaac A. Meir, Ben-Gurion University; Theodoros Theodosiou, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki

This study focuses on the building envelope as the mediator between interior and exterior climatic conditions, examining its influence on energy loads. The parameters are:...


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19 March 2020

Improving the Energy Efficiency Of a Mediterranean High-Rise Envelope

Tanya Saroglou & Isaac A. Meir, Ben-Gurion University; Theodoros Theodosiou, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki

This study focuses on the building envelope as the mediator between interior and exterior climatic conditions, examining its influence on energy loads. The parameters are:...