Manuel Pijorr

Schindler, Senior Engineer | Lucerne, Switzerland


Senior Engineer for Modelling and Simulation at Schindler Elevator Ltd.

Manuel Pijorr has been with Schindler since 2010. Since 2016 he has contributed to the introduction of Model-Based-Engineering (MBE) at Schindler Research and Development in Ebikon (CH). His area of specialization is modelling and simulation of dynamical machine systems. Prior to his job in R&D he was technical Project Manager for customized elevators. Manuel holds an Master of Science in Mechanical Engineering from HTW Berlin (GER). Since December 2017 he is member of the international council of Systems Engineering (INCOSE) and is holding the Associate Systems Engineering Professional as well.

Manuel Pijorr


Annual Conference, Presenter (Middle East 2018)